Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The 'Right' Reference Style for Medical Journal Articles

Welcome back!

I happened to read Barbara Gastel's post titled 'What is the Right Reference Format?'. Interesting read.

"Different journals have different formats for citing references in text," she writes. Read her blog to get an idea of what she means.

She understands that it might have been easier to use one standard referencing format across different journals. But in reality, different journals use different styles. So what do you do as an author?

Read the instructions to authors carefully. Read some examples from the journal to get a hang of it.

Another thing you could try is this. Use a referencing library software for your next project. You can then change the referencing style with just a click of a button.

When you submit to the journal, you may have to send a document in plain text format. But you can always save a copy with the hyperlinks intact and change the style using the software if you ever need to submit the same article to another journal.

1 comment:

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