Friday, March 4, 2011

Tobacco Awareness Workshop

Last afternoon, I was speaking to a group of students at ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad on the topic "Tobacco & Your Health: Make an Informed Choice". It was a new experience for me to talk about tobacco and that too to a group of youngsters who had 'heard too much about tobacco' and did not want to receive any new gyaan. Our preworkshop assessment showed that though 93% of the students answered over 50% of the questions about tobacco correctly, they actually needed to know a lot more. Of the 214 respondents, only 8 had answered all the questions correctly. That's less than 4%.

My book titled "Things You Always Wanted to Know About Tobacco" is almost done. It's a book targeted at school goers. Hope it clicks well with them. There's already lots of information about tobacco all around. I am just trying to collate these together. 

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